
U of C Catalogues

U of c Exhibition Catalogues

These catalogues were designed for the Special Collections Research Center at The University of Chicago Library and published in conjunction with exhibitions held in the Center's gallery. Adventures in the Soviet Imaginary, edited by associate professor Robert Bird, featured work from an exhibition created by the collaborative efforts of eight graduate students, one undergraduate and two faculty members at the University of Chicago. It also formed part of The Soviet Arts Experience, Chicago's city-wide celebration of music, art, and culture under the Soviet Union. Printing for the Modern Age was researched and written by Kim Coventry, who worked with the corporate archives at RR Donnelley as curatorial consultant for fourteen years. The exhibition explored the enormous impact printing and print media had on modern life and intended to showcase the important historical materials in the Archive, which are particularly strong in the period from 1900 to 1970.

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University of Chicago Library | Exhibition Catalogues

University of Chicago Library | Exhibition Catalogues